The Boston Rob Rulebook: Strategies for Life by Robert C. Mariano
The Boston Rob Rulebook: Strategies for Life by Robert C. Mariano PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Boston Rob Mariano gained notoriety from his exploits on the hit CBS reality show "Survivor." The four-time player also gained a great deal of respect for his physical capabilities, social awareness, and his strategic, outside-the-box way of thinking. Now Mariano has compiled a list of personal life lessons in his first book, The Boston Rob Rulebook: Strategies for Life. Through his signature wit and no-nonsense personality, Mariano shares some of the wisdom he's gained over the years, both growing up in Boston and through his experiences and adventures as a reality TV personality, and how he's applied it to his life to find success and fulfillment. The result is a collection of solid, practical, straight-forward advice delivered with Mariano's distinctive voice and perspective.From reader reviews:
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